Wednesday, August 9, 2023

New Website!

It's Here!

A website to make it even easier for you to find the beads you need for your designs!

I'm excited about this 😁  As always, it's a work in progress, but I'm working on it! 😂

The really great thing about this website is that it's hosted on a platform called GOIMAGINE, which is a marketplace strictly for handmade, U.S. goods, and the best part is that they donate their profits to children's charities. 💖 Please check out the other makers on the marketplace!


Happy shopping!  And I hope you find a new maker you'll love!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Tool Talk ~ Zoozii's Charm Box

Let's talk tools!

I'm kind of a tool junky ~ I have a LOT of them! 

Today's tool talk will focus on Zoozii's Charm Box

First, let me say that Zooziis are my favorite tools!  They're high quality, excellent value, great customer service, easy to use, and I like the pegs for making sure you get a straight press.  This one is really opening up possibilities for me in making European charm beads and getting away from the standard donut-ish shape.

Here are some beads I made with this press

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I'm completely finished with the studio organizing project!!   (Finally!)  Whew, that took a while.  I promise myself I will never have to do that again!

View from the door

Torch Bench
After ~ All set and ready for beadmaking!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Studio Update

So I've been organizing in my studio AGAIN!  I'm getting the glass done this time though, so hopefully, this is the last full on studio re-do I'll ever have to do.  I have made a big dent in the glass storage going from this:


To this:

WHEW!  That was a bigger project than I anticipated!  In all honesty, I'm still not finished (I will NOT show you pictures of the piles that are still on the floor! lol)  But I'm getting somewhere, and I'm already finding it easier to decide what colors to use.

While I've been working on this project I've come to realize that I have a LOT of tools that are begging for some sort of organized storage too.  

If there was a "Hoarders" show for crafters, I would probably qualify!

But the upside is I've decided to start a "Tool Talk" segment on my blog.  I'll feature one tool (hopefully every week) let you know if I have any hints or tricks to using it, whether or not I would buy it again, show you some samples of what I've made with it, etc.  And the (other) upside is that this will make me really focus on each tool and possibly even part with the ones I don't really, truly love. (Read - more room for new tools!)

Okay ~ diving back in!  I've already started thinking about the first tool review ~ and it's one I've only had for 4 days and I already love!

I'll leave you with a little cleaning music ~ crank this one up and try not to dance!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


New Year ~ New Look!

I've been giving this a lot of thought lately, and I think it's time for a change.  I've been using the same images to represent my business since practically the very beginning.  However, those images really no longer represent what I do, or can do.  My work and my business have evolved and it's time my brand reflected that. I think it's time for a fresh new look!  This probably won't happen overnight ~ I've still got a thousand business cards and a few hundred address lables with the old design, and lots and lots of updating to do on websites, but I will slowly be changing everything over.

I'll be changing from this:

To this:

Welcome to my new logo picture!  Same great affordable beads, made with the same love and sunshine, just updated!

I haven't made the flat squares in over a year, and my .co is now a .com ~ so I'm ready for a fresh new start!

Monday, January 21, 2013

New Contest


I'm running a quick and easy contest on my Veda's Beads Fan Page  

Under this box are 4 chunky squares ~ all you have to do is pop over to the fan page and guess what color they are and they could be yours!  Oh, and just a hint:  they are all the same color.  Winner announced Sunday January 27th.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Well, we have survived yet another appocolypse ~ it was a close one this time!

Since we're still here, I guess I better start setting my goals for the coming year.  I've never been a fan of New Year's resolutions since they're really more a to do list for the first week of January.  By the second week you feel like you're falling behind and by the end of the month you feel like a complete failure.  So to continue my own tradition of making plans instead of resolutions I've decided to make a list of things to accomplish this year.  I'm taking a page from my friend's blog Kat's On Fire  (If you haven't read her blog you definitely should!  She's hilarious!) and making an epic list of 100 things I want to do this year.  

100 things for 2013 
(in no paticular order)

1.   Visit a Mayan ruin
2.   Send a message in a homemade bottle
3.   Go to a live concert
4.   See a sea horse in the wild
5.   Go spelunking
6.   Participate in a 5k
7.   Drink something more sophisticated than beer but less snooty than wine
8.   Go to the gym at least twice a week
9.   Finally finish Don Quiote
10.  Walk 4 miles at least 5 times a week
11.  Make a Kiva loan
12.  Build a bird house
13.  Go to a play
14.  See a pro football or baseball game
15.  Organize the kitchen cabinets
16.  Write a weekly to-do list ~ and accomplish everything on it!
17.  Go kayaking in at least 2 countries
18.  Take a road trip
19.  Spend more time outside
20.  Participate in at least 2 craft shows
21.  Make a higher sales goal ~ and meet it!
22.  Finish the trim in the bathroom that was remodeled 3 years ago
23.  Kiss behind a waterfall
24.  Take a hot shop class
25.  Find a new doctor
26.  Finally decide what to do with Mom's ashes
27.  Get a tattoo
28.  Stick to a weekly cleaning schedule
29.  Wear real pants more often
30.  Spend more time outside
31.  Swim with whale sharks
32.  Wear a bikini ~ even I don't look perfect
33.  Organize my glass
34.  Swim in the ocean
35.  Paint my lawn furniture
36,  Have a big yard sale/Goodwill trip and seriously downsize my "stuff"
37.  Do more off mandrel work
38.  Find one new venue to sell beads regularly
39.  Spend one weekend doing "touristy" stuff in my town
49.  Have something published in a magazine
50.  Take a photography class
51.  Get a great haircut
52.  See a sea turtle in the wild
53.  Pay off credit card
54.  Put in a sidewalk from the driveway to the back door
55.  Plant a big garden
56.  Blog every week
57.  Use the fireplace at least once, just for romance
58.  Fly a kite
59.  Take a dance class
60.  Own at least one complete outfit that is currently in style
61.  Spend more time outside
62.  Go hiking at least once a week in the summer
63.  Take my "someday I want to" goal and make a detailed plan to reach it
64.  Be more frugal
65.  Clean my studio
66.  Take an overnight kayak trip
67.  Do one thing that scares me
68.  Go snorkeling at night
69.  Give my decor a carribean makeover
70.  Learn a new recipe every month
71.  Host a real dinner party
72.  Buy accounting software and use it
73.  Go somewhere I've never been before
74.  Keep a journal
75.  Advertise in a magazine
76.  Donate to Circle of Hope
77.  Raise $300 for Relay for Life
78,  Build a front porch
79.  Renew my passport
80.  Do sit-ups every day
81.  Keep an indoor plant alive for longer than a month
82.  Eat more vegetables
83.  Practice an "attitude of gratitude"
84.  Practice random acts of kindness
85.  Sleep in a hammock
86.  Go skinny dipping
86.  Hang pictures in the hallway
87.  Meditate every day
88.  Develop a bead style that is uniquely me
89.  Never stack anything on the treadmill
90.  Pick an inspiration quote to focus on every week
91.  Use the "big" torch more often
92.  Streamline my promotion efforts
93.  Go kiteboarding
94.  Go out on a sailboat
95.  Watch more sunsets
96.  Attend a festival in a foreign country
97.  Make homemade ice cream
98.  Go geocaching
99.  Ride a train
100. Make a video tutorial

Whew!  That's ambitious!  But I really think I can accomplish it all this year.

I want to start the year with one of my favorite quotes ~ one that is on the wall of my studio as a daily reminder.

Go make 2013 EPIC!!