Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lampworking Studio

Since people always want to see other people's studio spaces, either for ideas for their own space or just general interest in the artist I wanted to show you mine :) The best part for me is the wooden cubes from target hung on the wall and filled with different shapes and sizes of pvc pipe for organizing the glass. Wait - did I say organizing? What I mean is "oh, there's an empty spot" :)

Actually I should take a current picture of it :) This picture was taken pretty much the minute it was finished, now it's a disaster - the dumping ground for anything nobody knows what to do with, piles of show items, stacks of boxes full of beads, the access to the crawl space and the tools used for the recent bathroom remodel - basically the messiest room in the house!
I used to work in a converted playhouse in the backyard. It was boiling hot in the summer and freezing cold in the winter and after 2 years of working out there my husband decided I needed space inside and remodeled an office space specifically for my studio - adding cupboards and a sink and extra lighting. Did I mention he's amazing! Anyway, I love my space, even when it's messy :)
PS - I can't remember the last time I saw the countertops! lol

Monday, May 11, 2009

I think I'm officially "everywhere" now!

I think I'm starting to get the hang of the whole "be everwhere on the internet" thing! I signed up for facebook yesterday, and already I've reconected with so many people I know :) So now my next challenge is to figure out how to keep everything updated online and still get some work done. I'm going to have to do some serious multi-tasking!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Pricing!

I know the economy is taking it's toll on everyone these days, so I've lowered the prices on every item I make. :) It's my way of stimulating the art community! I want you to keep doing what you love (and in turn, I'll get to keep doing what I love!). So keep beading! and thank you for buying Veda's Beads! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Renaissance Faire

Good morning! I just wanted to let everyone know I'll be at the Wenatchee Renaissance Faire this Saturday, April 18th. I'll have all my products from my various shops with me and I'll also be demo-ing! Stop by and see me :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

First Post!

So this is my first official Blog Post! (Assuming we ignore the fact that I got ahead of myself with :) I'm just going to start with my generic "about me" statement tonight, but hopefully this will be the place to share all things beady!

Generic statement:

I have a passion for glass that I hope to share with you here. I love the solitude of working at the torch, the way the glass melts and flows, and the sheer magic of turning a blob (I believe that is the technical term!) of glass into a tiny little treasure! I also love the way any silly little thing can inspire a bead - coffee cups, fabrics, even smells!
I live in the middle of Washington State (on the dry side of the mountains!) with my super-fantabulous husband and 3 amazing daughters. I make all my beads in the incredible home office/studio my husband built for me and the girls help with website updating and photography. If you would like to learn more about me or see pictures of my studio - please check out
Trying out