But the business stuff all has to travel back and forth between here and home when we're not picking. Unfortunately, that sometimes means that no matter where I am, something I need is in another location.
This is the temporary torch set up at my in-law's house:
I have an 8X10 studio at home that is absolutely packed ~ so when my husband saw this he said "really, is that all you need?" Um, no. I need all that stuff, this is just the very bare essentials.
And my temporary jewelry, Etsy, mailing station at my friend's house:
But it's totally worth it when I get to spend all day outside; fresh air, the sun on my face, and haning out with my Grandpa! This amazing man has so much knowledge to share and so many interesting stories to tell. I learn something new every time he talks to me. It is an incredible experience to go to work every day with a man who truly loves what he does and I continue to learn so much from his passion for life.
I wouldn't miss this opportunity for anything!
Here's my Farmville post from last year, and every word of it holds true.
Plus ~ I get to play fun games like "Can you spot the fruit in this tree?" Hint: It's a pear.
And just look at the view from my "office"!
So, while my life may be crazy, busy, scattered ~ I wouldn't have it any other way!
Today's experiences are tomorrow's memories, and I treasure every one.